All articles by chris cox

chris cox

Virtually there: the power of IRT

Interactive response technologies (IRTs), including voice and online systems, have been employed for many years as a means of increasing the efficiency of clinical trials, but there has been a marked shift towards web-based technologies over voice-response systems. The challenge now is to maximise efficiency gains by more rapidly making IRTs study-specific and integrating them with other systems vital to trial management. Pfizer’s Michael Moorman tells us what is being done to achieve this.

Critical factors in CRO contracting

The drive to outsource key elements of the clinical trials process is no longer driven solely by cost considerations, but is increasingly about the pursuit of high-quality services. This change in emphasis makes the selection of the right CRO partner crucial to the success of a trial. Clinical Trials Insight speaks to Almirall’s Dr Estrella Garcia about the key factors to consider when choosing a CRO.

Cold room: mapping out the future of storage

The cold chain is often thought of in terms of products on the move and, therefore, how to maintain their integrity while in transit; equally important, however, is the storage stage. Maintaining products within required temperature ranges while in the warehouse is essential, so temperature mapping is a vital process. Jim Banks speaks to Octapharma’s Marc-Oliver Rechsteiner about the key considerations for the warehouse in the context of the cold chain.

The growing case for reusable packaging

In a world that is increasingly waste conscious, the appeal of reusable and recycled materials is growing in many industries, not least the pharmaceutical sector. Reusable temperature-controlled packaging for investigational medicinal products is an option more companies are choosing in their logistics strategies for clinical trials. We hear from industry sources about the impact this is having on distribution processes.

Better together

GlobalData reports on the latest developments and trends in a buoyant CRO sector, which is seeing an increase in revenue as drug makers look to tap into the cost savings these companies are able to provide.

eCTD submissions made simple

Preparing submissions in the eCTD format normally requires significant time for detailed planning and follow-up, while data flows from diverse systems must be brought together. Document management systems do make collating data simpler, but Mitsubishi Pharma Europe’s Dainius Ulpis believes the principles behind good data management ought to make submissions relatively straightforward.

Multisorb at MEDICA

Multisorb Technologies, a provider of sorbent and desiccant products for the healthcare market, will be among the 4,500 exhibitors at this year’s MEDICA/COMPAMED trade fair.

Pep talk

Peptide therapeutics have been around for decades, but in recent years, there has been an upswell in interest among pharmaceutical companies. Ever-improving technologies have overcome some of the barriers to effective treatment development, and the industry increasingly sees them as more flexible and cost-effective than their biologic equivalents. Dr Joël Richard of Ipsen provides a peek into what the future holds for peptides.

Scaling the pharmaceutical patent cliff

In recent years, the term ‘patent cliff’ has come to be associated almost exclusively with the pharmaceutical industry. World Pharmaceutical Frontiers examines how drug companies are counteracting the threats posed by expiring patents and their generic challengers.

Quality control: strengthening the excipient supply chain

With reliability and patient safety at the heart of pharmaceutical manufacturing and distribution, Dr Iain Moore of Croda Europe explains why a group of industry experts initiated the EXCiPACT certificate, and how it can reduce weaknesses in the excipient supply chain.