ML-T’s new hardware creates greater reporting flexibility to make weighing results transfer as easy and convenient as possible. In addition, new Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities made possible by a wireless dongle allow easy connection to any WLAN, hotspot or P-50 laboratory printer for simple and convenient data transfer.

New ML-T Advanced Level balances are equipped with four interfaces: Ethernet, USB Host, USB Device and RS232. This makes it quick and easy to connect the balances to peripheral devices and company networks, while the addition of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities create further flexibility. New functionality also allows data transfer directly to an FTP server.

Advanced reporting and publishing options also enhance flexibility on how users save, print and export weighing results and associated metadata to improve productivity and product quality. Operators can customize reports with quality-relevant information including leveling status and last adjustment to support downstream analytical accuracy.

XML, CSV, and TXT file formats make it easier to transfer weighing data for electronic archiving or further analysis. Additionally, the simultaneous publication of different formats over different interfaces is possible. For example, the balance can send measurements to a strip printer via USB while sending more comprehensive data files directly to a ftp server via Ethernet.

Whether used in a laboratory or on the production line, ML-T balances deliver highly reproducible results.

Ensure your laboratory balance can effortlessly print, store and transfer weighing results to support analytical accuracy and final product quality. Learn more about ML-T Analytical Balances and ML-T Precision Balances today.