Nemera is committed to enhancing better patient outcomes by seeking innovative solutions and contributing actively to discussions about the future of drug delivery devices. Its membership in IPAC-RS will facilitate this important commitment.

IPAC-RS is a leading global association of companies dedicated to advancing the science and regulation of orally inhaled and nasal drug products (OINDPs). OINDPs include products intended to treat asthma, COPD, allergic rhinitis, and other diseases. As an IPAC-RS Associate Member, Nemera joins 8 other Associate Members in collaborating and contributing to important and timely industry discussions, scientific initiatives, and regulatory related to OINDPs and related drug delivery devices.

Raphaële Audibert, Nemera’s Global Category Manager, noted that “Nemera is proud to announce that we are now part of IPAC-RS as an Associate Member. This membership is in line with our aim to be an active player in the inhalation scientific and regulatory community. We are delighted to be a part of IPAC-RS and look forward to fruitful collaboration within this organization.”

Nemera Scientific Director Simon Baconnier commented, “IPAC-RS plays an essential role in building consensus and contributing to the development of standards in regulatory science for orally inhaled and nasal drug products, launching and leading collaboration between the industry and global healthcare regulators. We are looking forward to actively contributing to the important work of iPAC-RS.”

Gildas Huet, Nemera Technology Product Manager, noted that “joining the IPAC-RS consortium is a great opportunity to share cross-industry understanding on a range of scientific and regulatory topics with a common objective of better serving patients.”

Carla Vozone, IPAC-RS Chair, stated that “IPAC-RS welcomes Nemera as an Associate Member. In 2020, the IPAC-RS Board of Directors undertook a review of the IPAC-RS membership model. The Board recognized that the OINDP industry continues to evolve and that IPAC-RS’ membership criteria should evolve with it. The Board’s goal was to create a more inclusive IPAC-RS with greater engagement opportunities for a wider group of Associate Members. The revised Associate Membership category includes increased benefits and is intended to attract both large and smaller companies serving the OINDP industry. The Board is confident that these changes will help expand the vibrant IPAC-RS OINDP community and enable more companies to engage in IPAC-RS. IPAC-RS appreciates the perspectives and commitment of Associate Members and looks forward to Nemera’s involvement.’