SHL Group will make its first appearance at the 21st Asia Pacific League of Associations for Rheumatology Congress from 8-11 April in Brisbane, Australia. The congress will be held in conjunction with the Australian Rheumatology Association.
The rapid growth of biologics continues to drive the pharmaceutical and drug delivery industry forward in terms of development and production. To meet these growing demands, SHL is dedicated to offering drug delivery devices that can accommodate high volumes of drug formulations.
Among the presented devices aimed at delivering high volume drugs this year is Molly® 2.25 – an auto injector from the classic Molly® family that can carry syringes up to 2.25mL.
Other SHL products set to be exhibited include Bertha® – an auto injector that can carry a wide range of drug fill volumes from 1.0mL to 2.25mL; Needle Isolation Technology (NIT®) – a highly advanced mechanism built with a pre-installed needle to prevent sharps injury and needle contamination; and the Rotaject® technology – a clock spring technology that offers constant force delivery for viscous drug formulations.
Executive director of business development Mike Weng said, "The rising popularity of biologics and self-medication has led to high demands in drug delivery systems. Biopharma companies are thus seeking various approaches in enhancing patients’ self-injection experiences. SHL offers cutting-edge drug delivery solutions to support our partners in ultimately meeting the patients’ needs."
As a proud, first-time exhibitor, SHL has high expectations to connect with industry leaders, pharma experts and medical professionals at the event. Visitors are invited to meet and chat with our experts at Booth 23 to learn more about our offerings at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre.