Connect your weighing instruments to EasyDirect BalanceTM software via Ethernet or RS232 and gain enhanced control of your results.

EasyDirect Balance gives you the ability to collect data automatically from up to 10 Advanced and Standard Level Analytical and Precision balances to minimise manual transcription errors and save time. Data such as weight, unit, date/time, sample and task IDs or user names is stored securely in an SQL database and can be exported manually or automatically in XML, CSV, XLXS or PDF formats or sent to a network printer to ensure ease of use.

Results can be filtered by date, instrument, user or sample when creating reports, reviewing control charts, or performing statistical reviews. In combination with MS-TS and ML-T laboratory balances with the latest software version 4.20 and Ethernet, the intuitive software provides levelling, adjustment, test and service status information to provide you a simple overview of all your connected instruments. So you can be instantly assured that they are capable of providing the accuracy your process requires or intervene when necessary.

The background application runs and logs results regardless of whether you have EasyDirect Balance open in a window or not. To experience the improved data management and processing ease of EasyDirect Balance first-hand, download your free 45-day trial version today at: